Thursday 21 August 2014

Sculpture in the School

The whole school staged an exhibition entitled Sculpture in the School as part of Education Week. Every child in every class worked together to create the imaginative and diverse sculptures you see. Parents, relatives and friends were invited to experience the exhibition with their children and spent the last half hour of the day viewing the sculptures and interacting with them.  It was a fantastic turn out and listening to the positive comments and feedback a resounding success.  Thank you to parents and families for supporting your school and thank you to the teachers for guiding the students. And to the students, you are amazing!
Wire Insect Sculptures

The children at our school are fortunate to have a natural bushland garden that offers a wonderful outdoor exhibition space.  These wire insect sculptures sit perfectly on the stumps and trunks of trees and interact with their live counterparts.

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Mosaic Tiles

These are the results of a small lunch time workshop learning about mosaic design.  The students are from stage 3 and they decided on the design of their own mosaic.  The students chose all the tiles with various colours and tones then placed them meticulously onto their drawn up template.  The students then transferred their work to a large sandstone rock in the school.  They are beautiful!